Frequently asked questions.
How long will the designer appointment take?
Approximately 60 to 90 minutes and a little longer for multiple rooms. It is always adviseable to have everyone at the appointment that would like to contribute. Please click here to book your appointment
What does the price include?
The price our designer quotes to you will be the total price. This includes handles, vat and installation.
Do you offer a guarantee?
Of course! Our guarantee is for 5 years, but should you have any issue outside of this time frame we are always available to provide advice and for a minimal fee can arrange for a fitter to come out to you.
How long is the lead time from order to installation?
Our lead times are normally around 4 – 6 weeks but can change so it’s advisable to check this during your designer visit.
I have another question?
We are always here to help. Please contact us to discuss